
Template IEPD

This repo provides templates for different versions of NIEM IEPDs. This can be used as a starting point for IEPD developers.

The NIEM IEPD specification defines the contents and structure of IEPDs including metadata, XML Schema documents, and documentation.

Version View Download Use with Specification Comments
3.0 GitHub zip NIEM 3.0‑3.2 MPD v3.0.1 Initial version of the template.
4.0 GitHub zip NIEM 4.0-4.2 MPD v3.0.1 Minor changes. The MPD spec was not updated for NIEM 4.0. The MPD catalog and the NIEM subset were updated to use the NIEM 4.0 release.
5.0 GitHub zip NIEM 5.0-5.2 IEPD v5.0 The MPD specification was updated to focus specifically on IEPDs. IEPD catalog updated and additional content added. Created two kinds of messages (a query and a respond) in the template to demonstrate how an IEPD can represent multiple related exchanges in one package.

Template contents

Other IEPD resources