SLTT Kick-off Meeting

State, Local, Tribal, & Territorial Kickoff Call

Meeting: State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial Kick-off Meeting

Date: 6/10/2020 at 11am ET


  • Tom Carlson
  • Cait Ryan


  • Micheal Abramson
  • Noam Arzt
  • James Cabral
  • Kurt Cagle
  • Tom Carlson
  • Charles Chipman
  • Cory Casanave
  • Dave Gajadhar
  • Juan Gonzales
  • Brian Handspicker
  • Cheryl Harrison
  • Dwight Hines
  • Matthew Hudnall
  • Ada Melton
  • Lain McNeill
  • Ralph Oconnell
  • Brian Petitt
  • Michael Phillips
  • Mark Pritchard
  • Cait Ryan
  • Jitendra Sakhamuri
  • Kate Silhol
  • Daniel Stein
  • Steve Sullivan
  • Christopher Tarantino
  • Tammara Tarvin
  • Paul Wormeli

Note: These are high level meeting minutes from the Kick-off meeting. For additional details please see the recording. Cait began with opening remarks alerting attendees that the call was being recorded and provided some background about the Tiger Team. How/why the request to stand up a State, Local and Tribal Tiger Team as made by the NBAC during the October ’19 Face2Face meeting.

  • SLT have always been an important community to NIEM and in fact when it was created 10+ years ago it was envisioned that it would specifically be able to help these communities. We need more participation from them for NIEM to achieve its mission and to do the SLT community a service.
  • It was clarified that this was a Tiger Team not a domain which is sponsored by the NBAC, and participants are on a volunteer basis.

Cait reviewed the agenda and introduced herself and brief background followed by Tom Carlson introducing himself.

Due to the large turn out they would not go around introducing all attendees and that anyone who would be participating should send their bio to as we are creating an attendee resource document.

The goals, strategy, success metrics, and deliverables were reviewed; there were no additional comments or feedback at this time. Essentially we want to educate through outreach how NIEM can benefit the SLT community and increase participation from the SLT community in NIEM so that it’s representative and inclusive of DLT requirements.

The idea of the NIEM Road Show, showcasing the successes of various domains and their use of NIEM was discussed. At the moment the logistics haven’t quite been thought out, but it would be a webinar and the agenda would be broken out by domain. Cait asked if anyone knew that this was something, they were willing and able to contribute to, please email Cait and Tom.

The Outreach Opportunity Register was reviewed. This will be a living document of speaking engagements and/or Points of Contact. Right now only Cait and Tom have edit rights, but all participants are encouraged to help us populate this list and send their additions to Cait and Tom via email.

Reviewed how this would all come together under the 90 day timeline.

Cait asked if there was anything missing from this presentation, like additional deliverables to be added. There were none at that time. The floor was opened for questions.

  • The issue of lack of interoperability between Health, Human Services, and Education organizations was brought up. Possibly competing standards like HL7/FHIR and CEDS provide interoperability challenges. There are multiple silos of data, due to a reluctance to share. While there’s no national roadmap to breaking down these silos, doing so is out of scope of the Tiger Team. However as the group continues and we run into these types of discussions or use cases, we will discuss them as they come and seek SMEs for guidance.
  • Some communities don’t view data exchange as a two-way street.
  • Indiana social services has a 3rd normal form reference data model matching NIEM attributes for social service eligibility.

The meeting concluded. The next meeting is TBD