Geo4NIEM Part 1 (2013)

Geo4NIEM Part 1 (2013) was a collaborative, hands-on rapid prototype development and testing initiative in accordance with the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)’s Interoperability Program. The partnership included NGA, Department of Defense (DoD), Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the Army Geospatial Center and numerous participants and supporters from the public and private sector.


The Geo4NIEM Part 1 pilot met the following objectives:

  • Provided the appropriate security markings and access controls to ensure the right people have access to the right information at the right time in the right context.
  • Can be reused across the public and private sector.
  • Promoted cost-savings (through use of NIEM and OGC community open standards).


There have been two major Geo4NIEM efforts:

  • Developed recommendations for the inclusion and standard use of embedded geography markup language (GML) with NIEM Information Exchange Package Documentations (IEPDs).
  • Developed recommendations for the standardized use of Naming and Design Rules (NDRs) and the use of adaptors (e.g., NIEM wrapper for GML).
  • Tested and demonstrated use of a standardized embedded GML and adaptors within NIEM IEPDs.
  • Developed architecture documentation and “Fact Sheet” for the use of embedded GML and adaptors for use with NIEM IEPDs.


Developed architecture documentation and “Fact Sheet” for the use of embedded GML and adaptors for use with NIEM IEPDs.

The Geo4NIEM Part 1 initiative affirmed that NIEM information exchange packages (IEPs) can include GML-based data components, and that GML documents can include NIEM-based data components. It culminated in a demonstration of how enhanced geospatial capabilities enable situational awareness through the ability to identify, process, and comprehend critical information during an incident.


The Geo4NIEM initiative provided eight recommendations (specific to GML adapters in NIEM) for consideration in the NIEM 3.0 update. Seven recommendations were implemented; one recommendation had no impact on the model itself. Overall, no significant changes were recommended to the NIEM technical architecture. An engineering report summarizing the findings and recommendations of the Geo4NIEM initiative was published in November of 2013. Download the engineering report to read more about the findings.

NIEM Request of Information Exchange (RFI)

The NIEM Request for Information (RFI) exchange facilitates interagency processes involving requirements, tasking, and information gathering activities that support data collection and awareness within intelligence, public safety, emergency management, and response operations. A NIEM RFI exchange document provides the mechanism through which intelligence analysts and operations managers can request and receive relevant information for processing and analysis.

MDA – Maritime Domain Awareness (Vessel Position/Track)

Maritime Domain Awareness is an inter-agency and international effort to detect and prevent threats at sea or in any navigable waterway. The NIEM Vessel Position exchange from the Maritime Domain supports the effective understanding of anything associated with global maritime that could impact the United States’ security, safety, economy, or environment. NIEM facilitates this understanding through effective, timely sharing of vital, secure information among many key partners by representing vessels, people, cargo, and maritime locations and activities.