
This document establishes methods for using code list artifacts with NIEM information exchange specifications. It provides for the use of Genericode documents, as well as for CSV code lists. It supports the use of code lists at run time and at schema definition time. It also includes identifiers for well-known columns that have semantics needed across the NIEM community.

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All Resources Published Specification Notes
Version 6.0
(in progress)
TBD HTML | text Minor schema updates for 5.0.
Without any major changes being made, the NTAC decided to continue using the 4.0 specification for the NIEM 5.0 major release.
Version 4.0.1 (current) 2022 HTML | text Updated to latest version of Genericode and NIEM NDR specifications.
Version 4.0 2017 HTML | text  
Version 1.0 2016 HTML | text