
element AzimuthValue in namespace http://release.niem.gov/niem/domains/cbrn/4.0/


An objects(i.e., instrument, detector, or item) orientation, with respect to True North. Its value is the angle subtended by a line from the center point of the object to True North in the horizontal plane and the line formed by the object's front-to-back axis projected onto the horizontal plane. The angle range is from "-180.0" to "+180.0" degrees. A value of zero implies the front of the object's body is pointed to True North; positive values imply the front is pointed to the east of True North; negative values imply the front is pointed to the west of True North.


XML Schema

An objects(i.e., instrument, detector, or item) orientation, with respect to True North. Its value is the angle subtended by a line from the center point of the object to True North in the horizontal plane and the line formed by the object's front-to-back axis projected onto the horizontal plane. The angle range is from "-180.0" to "+180.0" degrees. A value of zero implies the front of the object's body is pointed to True North; positive values imply the front is pointed to the east of True North; negative values imply the front is pointed to the west of True North.