
simpleType MeasurementClassCodeSimpleType in namespace http://release.niem.gov/niem/codes/cbrncl/4.0/


A data type that defines the code values for the classes of spectrum measurements that a radiation instrument can acquire for different kinds of radioactive sources or radiation fields.



BackgroundMeasurement of environmental background. The data shall be recorded without subtraction of intrinsic activity.
CalibrationMeasurement to be used for any type of calibration (e.g., energy, stabilization, efficiency).
ForegroundMeasurement of an unknown radiation field. The data shall be recorded without subtraction of environmental background or intrinsic activity.
IntrinsicActivityMeasurement of the radiation intrinsic to the radiation instrument, without contribution from the environment or other sources.
NotSpecifiedThe object being measured by the instrument cannot be specified by the user or radiation instrument.

XML Schema

<xs:simpleType name="MeasurementClassCodeSimpleType">
A data type that defines the code values for the classes of spectrum measurements that a radiation instrument can acquire for different kinds of radioactive sources or radiation fields.
<xs:enumeration value="Background">
Measurement of environmental background. The data shall be recorded without subtraction of intrinsic activity.
<xs:enumeration value="Calibration">
Measurement to be used for any type of calibration (e.g., energy, stabilization, efficiency).
<xs:enumeration value="Foreground">
Measurement of an unknown radiation field. The data shall be recorded without subtraction of environmental background or intrinsic activity.
<xs:enumeration value="IntrinsicActivity">
Measurement of the radiation intrinsic to the radiation instrument, without contribution from the environment or other sources.
<xs:enumeration value="NotSpecified">
The object being measured by the instrument cannot be specified by the user or radiation instrument.