
simpleType MultimediaDeviceCategoryCodeSimpleType in namespace http://release.niem.gov/niem/codes/cbrncl/4.0/


A data type that defines the code values for the kind of devices that can record multimedia data.



AudioA device that records audible sounds, such as voice.
CameraA camera that captures images on film.
Camera-DA camera that captures images on digital/electronic media.
LPRLicense Plate Reader
NIINon-Intrusive Imaging
OCROptical Character Recognition
ReaderA device to create digital data from a physical/visual form of the data.
RFIDRadio Frequency Identifier
ScannerA device to create a digital image of printed material.
VideoA video recording device that captures images on film.
Video-DA video recording device that captures images on digital/electronic media.
VISVisual Inspection System Image

XML Schema

<xs:simpleType name="MultimediaDeviceCategoryCodeSimpleType">
A data type that defines the code values for the kind of devices that can record multimedia data.
<xs:enumeration value="Audio">
A device that records audible sounds, such as voice.
<xs:enumeration value="Camera">
A camera that captures images on film.
<xs:enumeration value="Camera-D">
A camera that captures images on digital/electronic media.
<xs:enumeration value="LPR">
License Plate Reader
<xs:enumeration value="NII">
Non-Intrusive Imaging
<xs:enumeration value="OCR">
Optical Character Recognition
<xs:enumeration value="Other">
<xs:enumeration value="Reader">
A device to create digital data from a physical/visual form of the data.
<xs:enumeration value="RFID">
Radio Frequency Identifier
<xs:enumeration value="Scanner">
A device to create a digital image of printed material.
<xs:enumeration value="Video">
A video recording device that captures images on film.
<xs:enumeration value="Video-D">
A video recording device that captures images on digital/electronic media.
<xs:enumeration value="VIS">
Visual Inspection System Image