
simpleType EMSTrafficStatusCodeSimpleType in namespace http://release.niem.gov/niem/codes/edxl_have/4.0/


A data type for a code set of the status of EMS traffic operations.



AdvisoryExperiencing specific resource limitations which may affect transport of some EMS traffic.
ClosedRequesting re-route of EMS traffic to other facilities.
NormalAccepting all EMS traffic
NotApplicableNot Applicable. This hospital does not have an emergency department.

XML Schema

<xs:simpleType name="EMSTrafficStatusCodeSimpleType">
A data type for a code set of the status of EMS traffic operations.
<xs:enumeration value="Advisory">
Experiencing specific resource limitations which may affect transport of some EMS traffic.
<xs:enumeration value="Closed">
Requesting re-route of EMS traffic to other facilities.
<xs:enumeration value="Normal">
Accepting all EMS traffic
<xs:enumeration value="NotApplicable">
Not Applicable. This hospital does not have an emergency department.