element CrashVehicleEmergencyUseIndicationCode in namespace http://release.niem.gov/niem/domains/jxdm/6.0/
An indication official motor vehicles that are involved in a crash while on an emergency response. Emergency refers to an official motor vehicle that is usually traveling with physical emergency signals in use, typically red light blinking, siren sounding, etc.
XML Schema
<xs:element name="CrashVehicleEmergencyUseIndicationCode" type="mmucc:CrashVehicleEmergencyUseIndicationCodeType" substitutionGroup="j:CrashVehicleEmergencyUseIndicationAbstract" nillable="true">
An indication official motor vehicles that are involved in a crash while on an emergency response. Emergency refers to an official motor vehicle that is usually traveling with physical emergency signals in use, typically red light blinking, siren sounding, etc.</xs:documentation>