element WGS84LocationCylinder in namespace
A location identified by a cylinder oriented vertically and centered on a point described with WGS84 coordinates. If it is appropriate for the radius and half-height properties to represent an error value (for example, because the event is a laser-designated target), then the true event location follows a normal distribution such that the cylinder defines the one-sigma (p≈0.67)(almost equal to) deviation. (A cylinder with twice the volume would be the two-sigma (p≈0.95)(almost equal to) deviation, etc.) Otherwise the cylinder encloses the full physical extent of the event.
XML Schema
<xs:element name="WGS84LocationCylinder" type="mo:WGS84LocationCylinderType" substitutionGroup="nc:LocationGeospatialCoordinateAbstract" nillable="true">
A location identified by a cylinder oriented vertically and centered on a point described with WGS84 coordinates. If it is appropriate for the radius and half-height properties to represent an error value (for example, because the event is a laser-designated target), then the true event location follows a normal distribution such that the cylinder defines the one-sigma (p≈0.67)(almost equal to) deviation. (A cylinder with twice the volume would be the two-sigma (p≈0.95)(almost equal to) deviation, etc.) Otherwise the cylinder encloses the full physical extent of the event.</xs:documentation>