
simpleType MinutiaeValueAssessmentResultCodeSimpleType in namespace


A data type for a result of an examiner's assessment of the value of the friction ridge impression



LIMITEDThe impression is of limited, marginal, value. It is not of value for individualization, but may be appropriate for exclusion
NONPRINTThe image is not a friction ridge impression
NOVALUEThe impression is of no value, is not appropriate for further analysis, and has no use for potential comparison
VALUEThe impression is of value and is appropriate for further analysis and potential comparison. Sufficient details exist to render an individualization and/or exclusion decision

XML Schema

<xs:simpleType name="MinutiaeValueAssessmentResultCodeSimpleType">
A data type for a result of an examiner's assessment of the value of the friction ridge impression
<xs:enumeration value="LIMITED">
The impression is of limited, marginal, value. It is not of value for individualization, but may be appropriate for exclusion
<xs:enumeration value="NONPRINT">
The image is not a friction ridge impression
<xs:enumeration value="NOVALUE">
The impression is of no value, is not appropriate for further analysis, and has no use for potential comparison
<xs:enumeration value="VALUE">
The impression is of value and is appropriate for further analysis and potential comparison. Sufficient details exist to render an individualization and/or exclusion decision