element FWHMUncertaintyValueList in namespace http://release.niem.gov/niem/domains/cbrn/4.1/
A list of the 1-sigma absolute uncertainties in units of keV, in the FWHM values contained in the FWHMValues element list. The number and order of corresponding values in the FWHMValues and FWHMUncertaintyValues lists must match.
XML Schema
<xs:element name="FWHMUncertaintyValueList" type="cbrn:FWHMUncertaintiesKeVType" nillable="true">
A list of the 1-sigma absolute uncertainties in units of keV, in the FWHM values contained in the FWHMValues element list. The number and order of corresponding values in the FWHMValues and FWHMUncertaintyValues lists must match.</xs:documentation>