element Orientation in namespace http://release.niem.gov/niem/domains/cbrn/4.1/
An object's orientation (e.g., radiation measurement instrument, radiation detector, or measured item) in space in terms of an internal frame of reference attached to the object's body and an external frame of reference. The object's internal frame of reference consists of three perpendicular axes: front-back, left-right, and top-bottom. The external frame of reference consists of the horizontal plane and True North. The object's orientation is expressed in the terms of three angles: azimuth, inclination, and roll.
XML Schema
<xs:element name="Orientation" type="cbrn:OrientationType" nillable="true">
An object's orientation (e.g., radiation measurement instrument, radiation detector, or measured item) in space in terms of an internal frame of reference attached to the object's body and an external frame of reference. The object's internal frame of reference consists of three perpendicular axes: front-back, left-right, and top-bottom. The external frame of reference consists of the horizontal plane and True North. The object's orientation is expressed in the terms of three angles: azimuth, inclination, and roll.</xs:documentation>