
simpleType CaseThreatLevelCodeSimpleType in namespace http://release.niem.gov/niem/codes/cbrncl/4.0/


A data type for a case threat level code values



General RiskGeneral risk that the case represents activities or items intended to support a terrorist attack.
HazardThe case represents activities or items that have been adjudicated by governing authority to not represent a threat of terrorist attack, but do represent a risk to people and/or the environment.
High RiskHigh risk that the case represents activities or items intended to support a terrorist attack.
IllicitThe case represents activities or items that have been adjudicated by governing authority to not represent a threat of terrorist attack, but are believed to be in violation of laws or regulations.
Low RiskLow risk that the case represents activities or items intended to support a terrorist attack.
No RiskThe case represents activities or items that have been adjudicated by the governing authority to not represent a threat of terrorist attack.
Severe RiskSevere risk that the case represents activities or items intended to support a terrorist attack.
Significant RiskSignificant risk that the case represents activities or items intended to support a terrorist attack.
UnknownThe threat represented by the activities or items is unknown.

XML Schema

<xs:simpleType name="CaseThreatLevelCodeSimpleType">
A data type for a case threat level code values
<xs:enumeration value="General Risk">
General risk that the case represents activities or items intended to support a terrorist attack.
<xs:enumeration value="Hazard">
The case represents activities or items that have been adjudicated by governing authority to not represent a threat of terrorist attack, but do represent a risk to people and/or the environment.
<xs:enumeration value="High Risk">
High risk that the case represents activities or items intended to support a terrorist attack.
<xs:enumeration value="Illicit">
The case represents activities or items that have been adjudicated by governing authority to not represent a threat of terrorist attack, but are believed to be in violation of laws or regulations.
<xs:enumeration value="Low Risk">
Low risk that the case represents activities or items intended to support a terrorist attack.
<xs:enumeration value="No Risk">
The case represents activities or items that have been adjudicated by the governing authority to not represent a threat of terrorist attack.
<xs:enumeration value="Severe Risk">
Severe risk that the case represents activities or items intended to support a terrorist attack.
<xs:enumeration value="Significant Risk">
Significant risk that the case represents activities or items intended to support a terrorist attack.
<xs:enumeration value="Unknown">
The threat represented by the activities or items is unknown.