
simpleType SecondaryInspectionReferralReasonCodeSimpleType in namespace http://release.niem.gov/niem/codes/cbrncl/4.0/


A data type that defines the variuos code values for Secondary Inspection Referral Reason



ATSRecommendationATS analysis indicates that a more detailed examination would be needed to determine the presence or absence of a threat.
ForeignGovernmentIntelligenceInformation from a foreign government indicates that a more detailed examination would be needed to determine the presence or absence of a threat.
InspectorSuspicionAn inspector made an assessment that further examination was required to determine the presence or absence of a threat.
MissingThe reason for secondary referral is not available.
RadiationAlarmAn unresolved radiation alarm occurred in primary inspection.
SuspiciousCarrierInformation about the carrier indicates that a more detailed examination would be needed to determine the presence or absence of a threat.
SuspiciousOtherParticipantInformation about involved parties other than the shipper and carrier indicates that a more detailed examination would be needed to determine the presence or absence of a threat.
SuspiciousShipperInformation about the shipper indicates that a more detailed examination would be needed to determine the presence or absence of a threat.
USIntelligenceInformation from an element of the US government indicates that a more detailed examination would be needed to determine the presence or absence of a threat.

XML Schema

<xs:simpleType name="SecondaryInspectionReferralReasonCodeSimpleType">
A data type that defines the variuos code values for Secondary Inspection Referral Reason
<xs:enumeration value="ATSRecommendation">
ATS analysis indicates that a more detailed examination would be needed to determine the presence or absence of a threat.
<xs:enumeration value="ForeignGovernmentIntelligence">
Information from a foreign government indicates that a more detailed examination would be needed to determine the presence or absence of a threat.
<xs:enumeration value="InspectorSuspicion">
An inspector made an assessment that further examination was required to determine the presence or absence of a threat.
<xs:enumeration value="Missing">
The reason for secondary referral is not available.
<xs:enumeration value="RadiationAlarm">
An unresolved radiation alarm occurred in primary inspection.
<xs:enumeration value="SuspiciousCarrier">
Information about the carrier indicates that a more detailed examination would be needed to determine the presence or absence of a threat.
<xs:enumeration value="SuspiciousOtherParticipant">
Information about involved parties other than the shipper and carrier indicates that a more detailed examination would be needed to determine the presence or absence of a threat.
<xs:enumeration value="SuspiciousShipper">
Information about the shipper indicates that a more detailed examination would be needed to determine the presence or absence of a threat.
<xs:enumeration value="USIntelligence">
Information from an element of the US government indicates that a more detailed examination would be needed to determine the presence or absence of a threat.