
simpleType AffectedQualifierCodeSimpleType in namespace http://release.niem.gov/niem/domains/emergencyManagement/4.1/


A data type code to classify the various causes for a dwelling being assessed as affected



AffectedCosmeticCosmetic damage such as paint discoloration, loose siding, screens, gutters, etc.
AffectedLandscapingDamage to landscaping, retaining walls, or downed trees that do not affect access to the residence or has not collapse into residence.
AffectedRoofPartially missing shingles or siding (non-continuous/sporadic), but roof structure is intact.
AffectedStructureDamage to an attached structure such as a porch, carport, garage, or outbuilding not for commercial use.
AffectedWaterAny water line in the crawl space or basement when essential living space or mechanical components are not damaged or submerged.

XML Schema

<xs:simpleType name="AffectedQualifierCodeSimpleType">
A data type code to classify the various causes for a dwelling being assessed as affected
<xs:enumeration value="AffectedCosmetic">
Cosmetic damage such as paint discoloration, loose siding, screens, gutters, etc.
<xs:enumeration value="AffectedLandscaping">
Damage to landscaping, retaining walls, or downed trees that do not affect access to the residence or has not collapse into residence.
<xs:enumeration value="AffectedRoof">
Partially missing shingles or siding (non-continuous/sporadic), but roof structure is intact.
<xs:enumeration value="AffectedStructure">
Damage to an attached structure such as a porch, carport, garage, or outbuilding not for commercial use.
<xs:enumeration value="AffectedWater">
Any water line in the crawl space or basement when essential living space or mechanical components are not damaged or submerged.
<xs:enumeration value="Other">