
simpleType AlertEventDetailsCategoryCodeSimpleType in namespace http://release.niem.gov/niem/domains/emergencyManagement/4.1/


A data type for the category code designated to an alert event



CBRNEChemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, or High Yield Explosive threat or attack
EnvPollution and other environmental
FireFire suppression and rescue
GeoGeophysical (inc. landslide)
HealthMedical and public health
InfraUtility, telecommunication, other non-transport infrastructure
MetMeteorological (inc. flood)
OtherOther events
RescueRescue and Recovery
SafetyGeneral emergency and public safety
SecurityLaw enforcement, military, homeland and local/private security
TransportPublic and private transportation

XML Schema

<xs:simpleType name="AlertEventDetailsCategoryCodeSimpleType">
A data type for the category code designated to an alert event
<xs:enumeration value="CBRNE">
Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, or High Yield Explosive threat or attack
<xs:enumeration value="Env">
Pollution and other environmental
<xs:enumeration value="Fire">
Fire suppression and rescue
<xs:enumeration value="Geo">
Geophysical (inc. landslide)
<xs:enumeration value="Health">
Medical and public health
<xs:enumeration value="Infra">
Utility, telecommunication, other non-transport infrastructure
<xs:enumeration value="Met">
Meteorological (inc. flood)
<xs:enumeration value="Other">
Other events
<xs:enumeration value="Rescue">
Rescue and Recovery
<xs:enumeration value="Safety">
General emergency and public safety
<xs:enumeration value="Security">
Law enforcement, military, homeland and local/private security
<xs:enumeration value="Transport">
Public and private transportation