
simpleType DamageCostEstimateCodeSimpleType in namespace http://release.niem.gov/niem/domains/emergencyManagement/4.1/


A data type code helps to understand how to estimate to repair was established. Determines level of scrutiny necessary.



BestGuessEstBest Guess (made due to unknown cost, variables, or unknown damage)
CalculatedEstCalculated Estimate (based off of cost/rate schedule information)
CertifiedEstCertified Estimate (developed and signed by engineer or other qualified personnel)
InformedEstInformed Estimate (based on historic costs for similar type of work)
RealCostEstReal Cost (based on submitted receipts, invoices, and other documentation)

XML Schema

<xs:simpleType name="DamageCostEstimateCodeSimpleType">
A data type code helps to understand how to estimate to repair was established. Determines level of scrutiny necessary.
<xs:enumeration value="BestGuessEst">
Best Guess (made due to unknown cost, variables, or unknown damage)
<xs:enumeration value="CalculatedEst">
Calculated Estimate (based off of cost/rate schedule information)
<xs:enumeration value="CertifiedEst">
Certified Estimate (developed and signed by engineer or other qualified personnel)
<xs:enumeration value="InformedEst">
Informed Estimate (based on historic costs for similar type of work)
<xs:enumeration value="RealCostEst">
Real Cost (based on submitted receipts, invoices, and other documentation)