
simpleType ClinicalStatusCodeSimpleType in namespace http://release.niem.gov/niem/codes/edxl_have/4.0/


A data type for a code set of the clinical status of the facility.



FullHospital clinical resources are exceeded and acceptable care cannot be provided to additional patients. Diversion or community surge response is required.
Level1Hospital clinical resources are operating at Level-1 surge conditions.
Level2Hospital clinical resources are operating at Level-2 surge conditions.
NormalHospital clinical resources are operating within normal conditions.

XML Schema

<xs:simpleType name="ClinicalStatusCodeSimpleType">
A data type for a code set of the clinical status of the facility.
<xs:enumeration value="Full">
Hospital clinical resources are exceeded and acceptable care cannot be provided to additional patients. Diversion or community surge response is required.
<xs:enumeration value="Level1">
Hospital clinical resources are operating at Level-1 surge conditions.
<xs:enumeration value="Level2">
Hospital clinical resources are operating at Level-2 surge conditions.
<xs:enumeration value="Normal">
Hospital clinical resources are operating within normal conditions.