element MotorCarrierSAFESTATRatingText in namespace http://release.niem.gov/niem/domains/jxdm/6.1/
A SAFESTAT rating provides a summary of a carriers safety record. The rating is assigned by the SAFESTAT system, using a collection of programs that review a motor carrier's accumulation of accidents, vehicle inspections, law enforcement actions, and compliance reviews and using factors such as the number of vehicles/drivers and approximate mileage.
XML Schema
<xs:element name="MotorCarrierSAFESTATRatingText" type="nc:TextType" nillable="true">
A SAFESTAT rating provides a summary of a carriers safety record. The rating is assigned by the SAFESTAT system, using a collection of programs that review a motor carrier's accumulation of accidents, vehicle inspections, law enforcement actions, and compliance reviews and using factors such as the number of vehicles/drivers and approximate mileage.</xs:documentation>