element OrganizationThreatGroupAssociation in namespace http://release.niem.gov/niem/domains/jxdm/6.1/
A relationship between an organization and any organization, i.e., club, association or group of individuals, either formal or informal (including traditional gangs and terrorist organizations), that may have a common name or identifying symbol, and whose members engage in activities that include, but are not limited to planning, organizing, threatening, financing, soliciting, committing or attempting to commit unlawful acts that would violate the law, which detract from the safe and orderly operations of society.
XML Schema
<xs:element name="OrganizationThreatGroupAssociation" type="nc:OrganizationAssociationType" nillable="true">
A relationship between an organization and any organization, i.e., club, association or group of individuals, either formal or informal (including traditional gangs and terrorist organizations), that may have a common name or identifying symbol, and whose members engage in activities that include, but are not limited to planning, organizing, threatening, financing, soliciting, committing or attempting to commit unlawful acts that would violate the law, which detract from the safe and orderly operations of society.</xs:documentation>