
simpleType CANUSLexiconAPR07ThreatCodeSimpleType in namespace http://release.niem.gov/niem/domains/maritime/4.1/


A data type for a threat code as defined by the April 2007 Canada/USA Bi-National Vessel of Interest (VOI) Lexicon threat codes.



HighSee CANADA / USA Bi-National VOI Lexicon dated APRIL 2007, value High
LowSee CANADA / USA Bi-National VOI Lexicon dated APRIL 2009, value Low
MediumSee CANADA / USA Bi-National VOI Lexicon dated APRIL 2008, value Medium
NegligibleSee CANADA / USA Bi-National VOI Lexicon dated APRIL 2010, value Negligable

XML Schema

<xs:simpleType name="CANUSLexiconAPR07ThreatCodeSimpleType">
A data type for a threat code as defined by the April 2007 Canada/USA Bi-National Vessel of Interest (VOI) Lexicon threat codes.
<xs:enumeration value="High">
See CANADA / USA Bi-National VOI Lexicon dated APRIL 2007, value High
<xs:enumeration value="Low">
See CANADA / USA Bi-National VOI Lexicon dated APRIL 2009, value Low
<xs:enumeration value="Medium">
See CANADA / USA Bi-National VOI Lexicon dated APRIL 2008, value Medium
<xs:enumeration value="Negligible">
See CANADA / USA Bi-National VOI Lexicon dated APRIL 2010, value Negligable