
simpleType MaritalStatusCodeSimpleType in namespace http://release.niem.gov/niem/codes/fbi_ndex/4.1/


A data type for a code that identifies marital status.



ANNULLEDA person whose previous marriage is considered to never have existed, been deemed null through declaration of nullity.
COHABITATINGA couple that is attached, yet unmarried with each other.
DIVORCEDA couple who previously lived together and was previously bound by a contract before the state or the church with legal age. Excludes annulled marriages.
ENGAGEDA person who has promised to give their hand in marriage to another person.
MARRIEDA couple who lives together and is bound by a contract before the state or the church with legal age.
SEPARATEDLegally bound despite a member of the couples not living with them, not in the household.
SINGLEA person who is unmarried, or unattached to someone.
WIDOWEDA person whose spouse is dead.

XML Schema

<xs:simpleType name="MaritalStatusCodeSimpleType">
A data type for a code that identifies marital status.
<xs:enumeration value="ANNULLED">
A person whose previous marriage is considered to never have existed, been deemed null through declaration of nullity.
<xs:enumeration value="COHABITATING">
A couple that is attached, yet unmarried with each other.
<xs:enumeration value="DIVORCED">
A couple who previously lived together and was previously bound by a contract before the state or the church with legal age. Excludes annulled marriages.
<xs:enumeration value="ENGAGED">
A person who has promised to give their hand in marriage to another person.
<xs:enumeration value="MARRIED">
A couple who lives together and is bound by a contract before the state or the church with legal age.
<xs:enumeration value="SEPARATED">
Legally bound despite a member of the couples not living with them, not in the household.
<xs:enumeration value="SINGLE">
A person who is unmarried, or unattached to someone.
<xs:enumeration value="UNKNOWN">
<xs:enumeration value="WIDOWED">
A person whose spouse is dead.