
simpleType CriminalActivityCategoryCodeSimpleType in namespace http://release.niem.gov/niem/codes/fbi_ucr/4.1/


A data type for kinds of incidents.



ASimple/Gross Neglect (unintentionally, intentionally, or knowingly failing to provide food, water, shelter, veterinary care, hoarding, etc.)
Bbuying/ receiving
Ccultivate/ manufacture/ publish (i.e.,production of any type)
Ddistribute/ selling
Eexploiting children
FOrganized Abuse (Dog Fighting and Cock Fighting)
Gother gang
IIntentional Abuse and Torture (tormenting, mutilating, maiming, poisoning, or abandonment)
Jjuvenile gang
Nnone/ unknown
Ooperate/ promote/ assist
Ppossession/ conceal
SAnimal Sexual Abuse (Bestiality)
Ttransport/ transmitting
Uusing/ consuming

XML Schema

<xs:simpleType name="CriminalActivityCategoryCodeSimpleType">
A data type for kinds of incidents.
<xs:enumeration value="A">
Simple/Gross Neglect (unintentionally, intentionally, or knowingly failing to provide food, water, shelter, veterinary care, hoarding, etc.)
<xs:enumeration value="B">
buying/ receiving
<xs:enumeration value="C">
cultivate/ manufacture/ publish (i.e.,production of any type)
<xs:enumeration value="D">
distribute/ selling
<xs:enumeration value="E">
exploiting children
<xs:enumeration value="F">
Organized Abuse (Dog Fighting and Cock Fighting)
<xs:enumeration value="G">
other gang
<xs:enumeration value="I">
Intentional Abuse and Torture (tormenting, mutilating, maiming, poisoning, or abandonment)
<xs:enumeration value="J">
juvenile gang
<xs:enumeration value="N">
none/ unknown
<xs:enumeration value="O">
operate/ promote/ assist
<xs:enumeration value="P">
possession/ conceal
<xs:enumeration value="S">
Animal Sexual Abuse (Bestiality)
<xs:enumeration value="T">
transport/ transmitting
<xs:enumeration value="U">
using/ consuming