
element AdministrativeCountyFSACode in namespace


A county code of the administering county office. The code is used within the Farm Service Agency (FSA) to identify a county, equivalent entity, or combination thereof within the United States, its possessions, and associated areas as defined within Handbook 1-CM, Exhibit 100. Many of the code values used by are similar to County ANSI/FIPS Code, which follows the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) numeric INCITS 31-2009 and Federal Information Processing Standards Publications (FIPS Pub) 6-4 standard. The expanded even-numbered FSA codes identify counties that contain more than one office due to geographic considerations. Specific values are documented in Handbook 1-CM.


XML Schema

A county code of the administering county office. The code is used within the Farm Service Agency (FSA) to identify a county, equivalent entity, or combination thereof within the United States, its possessions, and associated areas as defined within Handbook 1-CM, Exhibit 100. Many of the code values used by are similar to County ANSI/FIPS Code, which follows the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) numeric INCITS 31-2009 and Federal Information Processing Standards Publications (FIPS Pub) 6-4 standard. The expanded even-numbered FSA codes identify counties that contain more than one office due to geographic considerations. Specific values are documented in Handbook 1-CM.