
simpleType ActivityPersonDescriptionCodeSimpleType in namespace http://release.niem.gov/niem/codes/fbi_ndex/4.2/


A data type for a code that identifies the type of relationship between an Activity and a Person.



ACTIVITY-ENFORCEMENT_OFFICIALAn activity that is associated with an enforcement official.
ACTIVITY-INVOLVED_PERSONAn activity that is associated with an involved person.
ACTIVITY-OTHER_INVOLVED_PERSONAn activity that is associated with an other involved person.
ACTIVITY-PERSONAn activity that is associated with a person.
ACTIVITY-PERSON_OF_INTERESTAn activity that is associated with a person of interest.
ACTIVITY-PRIMARY_PERSONAn activity that is associated with a primary person.
ACTIVITY-RESPONSIBLE_PERSONAn activity that is associated with a responsible person.
ACTIVITY-SUPERVISORAn activity that is associated with a supervisor.
ARREST-ARRESTEEA person who was arrested.
ARREST-ARRESTING_OFFICERA law enforcement official who takes action to detain an individual with the intention of seeking charges against the person for a specific offense(s) and a record is made of the detention; includes juveniles taken into custody but merely warned and released without being charged.
ARREST-WITNESSA witness to an arrest.
BOOKING-OFFICIALAn official who booked a subject.
BOOKING-SUBJECTA subject that was booked.
CRIMINAL_HISTORY_SUMMARY-OFFICIALAn official who provided the summary.
CRIMINAL_HISTORY_SUMMARY-SUBJECTA criminal history summary associated with a subject.
DETAINER_NOTIFICATION_REQUEST-SUBJECTA request from a person or organization to be notified about a subject's release or transfer.
DISCIPLINARY_HEARING-CHAIRMANA person who chaired the disciplinary hearing.
DISCIPLINARY_HEARING-SUBJECTA person who was the subject of the disciplinary hearing.
DISCIPLINARY_INCIDENT-SUBJECTA person who was the subject of the disciplinary incident.
DOMESTIC_VIOLENCE_ASSESSMENT-ASSESSING_OFFICIALA person that administered a domestic violence assessment and provided narrative.
DOMESTIC_VIOLENCE_ASSESSMENT-SUBJECTAn assessment to evaluate the safety, risk, strengths and needs of a subject involved in offenses/groups of offenses that involve domestic violence.
HOLDING-SUBJECTA subject being held.
INCARCERATION-SUBJECTAn incarceration activity associated with a subject.
INCIDENT-INFORMANTAn incident that is associated with an informant.
INCIDENT-INVESTIGATORAn incident that is associated with an investigator.
INCIDENT-INVOLVED_PERSON_IN_DRIVING_INCIDENTAn incident that is associated with an involved person in driving incident.
INCIDENT-ITEM_OBTAINERA person who obtains an item as a result of an incident.
INCIDENT-MISSING_PERSONA person who was reported missing as a result of an incident.
INCIDENT-REPORTING_OFFICERAn enforcement official that documented the incident activity and provided the narrative.
INCIDENT-SUBJECTAn incident associated with a subject that factored into the booking or holding or incarceration or pre-sentence investigation or pre-trial investigation or supervised release that is the focus of the report.
INCIDENT-VICTIMA person who suffers injury, loss, or death as a result of an incident.
INCIDENT-WITNESSA person who observed an incident.
JUDGMENT-JUDGEA judge responsible for the case.
JUDGMENT-SUBJECTA judgment associated with a subject that led to the booking, holding, incarceration, etc. that is the focus of the report.
MISSING_PERSON_OCCURRENCE-LAST_SEEN_WITNESSA last seen person who observed or has knowledge of a missing person occurrence.
MISSING_PERSON_OCCURRENCE-MISSING_PERSONA missing person that is the focus of this activity.
MISSING_PERSON_OCCURRENCE-OTHER INVOLVED PERSONA person who was involved in the person, whose role is not missing person, declaration person, witness, officer, subject, arrestee, victim, vehicle owner, or vehicle lien holder.
MISSING_PERSON_OCCURRENCE-REPORTING_OFFICERAn enforcement official that documented the missing person occurrence.
MISSING_PERSON_OCCURRENCE-WITNESSA person who observed or has knowledge of a missing person occurrence.
OFFENSE-SUBJECTA person or organization who committed an offense.
OFFENSE-VICTIMA person or organization against whom offenses were perpetrated.
OFFENSE-WITNESSA person who observed or has knowledge of an offense.
PRE_SENTENCE_INVESTIGATION-DEFENSE_ATTORNEYA person(s) representing a subject in the current case/court matter.
PRE_SENTENCE_INVESTIGATION-INVESTIGATORAn enforcement official that provided the narrative or note.
PRE_SENTENCE_INVESTIGATION-JUDGEA judge requesting completion of pre-sentence investigation.
PRE_SENTENCE_INVESTIGATION-PREPARING_OFFICIALAn official(s) tasked with preparing/completing the pre-sentence investigation.
PRE_SENTENCE_INVESTIGATION-PROSECUTING_ATTORNEYAn official(s) who represents the state or government in a particular criminal justice proceeding.
PRE_SENTENCE_INVESTIGATION-SUBJECTA focal person of a pre-sentence investigation, also referred to as a defendant.
PRE_TRIAL_INVESTIGATION-DEFENSE_ATTORNEYA person(s) representing a subject in the current case/court matter.
PRE_TRIAL_INVESTIGATION-INTERVIEW_OFFICIALAn official who interviewed a subject.
PRE_TRIAL_INVESTIGATION-INVESTIGATORAn enforcement official that provided the narrative/note.
PRE_TRIAL_INVESTIGATION-JUDGEA judge responsible for the case.
PRE_TRIAL_INVESTIGATION-PREPARING_OFFICIALAn official tasked with preparing/completing the pre-trial investigation.
PRE_TRIAL_INVESTIGATION-PROSECUTING_ATTORNEYAn official who represents the state or government in a particular criminal justice proceeding.
PRE_TRIAL_INVESTIGATION-SUBJECTA focal person of a pre-trial investigation, also referred to as a defendant.
PROHIBITED_ACT-SUBJECTA violation of published rule/code of conduct for which a person can be held accountable for through sanction.
PROTECTION_ORDER-PETITIONERA person or organization who is a plaintiff/petitioner of a protection order.
PROTECTION_ORDER-PROTECTED_PARTYA person or organization who is a protected party of a protection order.
PROTECTION_ORDER-RESPONDENTA person or organization who is a subject/respondent of a protection order.
SENTENCE_COMPUTATION-SUBJECTA set of details consisting of the punishment imposed through judgment by a court on a subject.
SERVICE_CALL-CALLERA person who made the call.
SERVICE_CALL-DISPATCHED_OFFICERAn enforcement official that was dispatched as a result of the service call.
SERVICE_CALL-DISPATCHERA person who assigned people or units to respond to the call.
SERVICE_CALL-MISSING_PERSONA person missing in relation to this service call.
SERVICE_CALL-OPERATORAn operator or person who received the call.
SERVICE_CALL-SUBJECTA person or organization that is involved or suspected of being involved in a violation of a criminal statute, ordinance or rule.
SERVICE_CALL-VICTIMA person or organization who suffers injury, loss, or death as a result of an activity.
SERVICE_CALL-WITNESSA person who has observed an activity.
SUBJECT_ASSIGNMENT-PERSON_ASSIGNED_TOA person to whom a subject is conditionally released pending further action, such as a parent or guardian.
SUBJECT_ASSIGNMENT-SUBJECTA supervision location and environment into which a subject is placed, generally associated with holding or incarceration.
SUPERVISED_RELEASE-SUBJECTA person subject to supervised release conditions.
WARRANT-COMPLAINANTA person that brought a legal complaint against a subject which resulted in a warrant being issued for the specified warrant offense(s).
WARRANT-INVESTIGATORAn enforcement official that provided the narrative or note.
WARRANT-SUBJECTA warrant associated with the subject.

XML Schema

<xs:simpleType name="ActivityPersonDescriptionCodeSimpleType">
A data type for a code that identifies the type of relationship between an Activity and a Person.
<xs:enumeration value="ACTIVITY-ENFORCEMENT_OFFICIAL">
An activity that is associated with an enforcement official.
<xs:enumeration value="ACTIVITY-INVOLVED_PERSON">
An activity that is associated with an involved person.
<xs:enumeration value="ACTIVITY-OTHER_INVOLVED_PERSON">
An activity that is associated with an other involved person.
<xs:enumeration value="ACTIVITY-PERSON">
An activity that is associated with a person.
<xs:enumeration value="ACTIVITY-PERSON_OF_INTEREST">
An activity that is associated with a person of interest.
<xs:enumeration value="ACTIVITY-PRIMARY_PERSON">
An activity that is associated with a primary person.
<xs:enumeration value="ACTIVITY-RESPONSIBLE_PERSON">
An activity that is associated with a responsible person.
<xs:enumeration value="ACTIVITY-SUPERVISOR">
An activity that is associated with a supervisor.
<xs:enumeration value="ARREST-ARRESTEE">
A person who was arrested.
<xs:enumeration value="ARREST-ARRESTING_OFFICER">
A law enforcement official who takes action to detain an individual with the intention of seeking charges against the person for a specific offense(s) and a record is made of the detention; includes juveniles taken into custody but merely warned and released without being charged.
<xs:enumeration value="ARREST-WITNESS">
A witness to an arrest.
<xs:enumeration value="BOOKING-OFFICIAL">
An official who booked a subject.
<xs:enumeration value="BOOKING-SUBJECT">
A subject that was booked.
An official who provided the summary.
A criminal history summary associated with a subject.
A person that is to be notified.
A request from a person or organization to be notified about a subject's release or transfer.
<xs:enumeration value="DISCIPLINARY_HEARING-CHAIRMAN">
A person who chaired the disciplinary hearing.
<xs:enumeration value="DISCIPLINARY_HEARING-SUBJECT">
A person who was the subject of the disciplinary hearing.
<xs:enumeration value="DISCIPLINARY_INCIDENT-SUBJECT">
A person who was the subject of the disciplinary incident.
A person that administered a domestic violence assessment and provided narrative.
An assessment to evaluate the safety, risk, strengths and needs of a subject involved in offenses/groups of offenses that involve domestic violence.
<xs:enumeration value="HOLDING-SUBJECT">
A subject being held.
<xs:enumeration value="INCARCERATION-SUBJECT">
An incarceration activity associated with a subject.
<xs:enumeration value="INCIDENT-INFORMANT">
An incident that is associated with an informant.
<xs:enumeration value="INCIDENT-INVESTIGATOR">
An incident that is associated with an investigator.
An incident that is associated with an involved person in driving incident.
<xs:enumeration value="INCIDENT-ITEM_OBTAINER">
A person who obtains an item as a result of an incident.
<xs:enumeration value="INCIDENT-MISSING_PERSON">
A person who was reported missing as a result of an incident.
<xs:enumeration value="INCIDENT-REPORTING_OFFICER">
An enforcement official that documented the incident activity and provided the narrative.
<xs:enumeration value="INCIDENT-SUBJECT">
An incident associated with a subject that factored into the booking or holding or incarceration or pre-sentence investigation or pre-trial investigation or supervised release that is the focus of the report.
<xs:enumeration value="INCIDENT-VICTIM">
A person who suffers injury, loss, or death as a result of an incident.
<xs:enumeration value="INCIDENT-WITNESS">
A person who observed an incident.
<xs:enumeration value="JUDGMENT-JUDGE">
A judge responsible for the case.
<xs:enumeration value="JUDGMENT-SUBJECT">
A judgment associated with a subject that led to the booking, holding, incarceration, etc. that is the focus of the report.
A last seen person who observed or has knowledge of a missing person occurrence.
A missing person that is the focus of this activity.
A person who was involved in the person, whose role is not missing person, declaration person, witness, officer, subject, arrestee, victim, vehicle owner, or vehicle lien holder.
An enforcement official that documented the missing person occurrence.
A person who observed or has knowledge of a missing person occurrence.
<xs:enumeration value="OFFENSE-SUBJECT">
A person or organization who committed an offense.
<xs:enumeration value="OFFENSE-VICTIM">
A person or organization against whom offenses were perpetrated.
<xs:enumeration value="OFFENSE-WITNESS">
A person who observed or has knowledge of an offense.
A person(s) representing a subject in the current case/court matter.
An official who interviewed a subject.
An enforcement official that provided the narrative or note.
A judge requesting completion of pre-sentence investigation.
An official(s) tasked with preparing/completing the pre-sentence investigation.
An official(s) who represents the state or government in a particular criminal justice proceeding.
A focal person of a pre-sentence investigation, also referred to as a defendant.
A person(s) representing a subject in the current case/court matter.
An official who interviewed a subject.
An enforcement official that provided the narrative/note.
<xs:enumeration value="PRE_TRIAL_INVESTIGATION-JUDGE">
A judge responsible for the case.
An official tasked with preparing/completing the pre-trial investigation.
An official who represents the state or government in a particular criminal justice proceeding.
<xs:enumeration value="PRE_TRIAL_INVESTIGATION-SUBJECT">
A focal person of a pre-trial investigation, also referred to as a defendant.
<xs:enumeration value="PROHIBITED_ACT-SUBJECT">
A violation of published rule/code of conduct for which a person can be held accountable for through sanction.
<xs:enumeration value="PROTECTION_ORDER-PETITIONER">
A person or organization who is a plaintiff/petitioner of a protection order.
A person or organization who is a protected party of a protection order.
<xs:enumeration value="PROTECTION_ORDER-RESPONDENT">
A person or organization who is a subject/respondent of a protection order.
<xs:enumeration value="SENTENCE_COMPUTATION-SUBJECT">
A set of details consisting of the punishment imposed through judgment by a court on a subject.
<xs:enumeration value="SERVICE_CALL-CALLER">
A person who made the call.
<xs:enumeration value="SERVICE_CALL-DISPATCHED_OFFICER">
An enforcement official that was dispatched as a result of the service call.
<xs:enumeration value="SERVICE_CALL-DISPATCHER">
A person who assigned people or units to respond to the call.
<xs:enumeration value="SERVICE_CALL-MISSING_PERSON">
A person missing in relation to this service call.
<xs:enumeration value="SERVICE_CALL-OPERATOR">
An operator or person who received the call.
<xs:enumeration value="SERVICE_CALL-SUBJECT">
A person or organization that is involved or suspected of being involved in a violation of a criminal statute, ordinance or rule.
<xs:enumeration value="SERVICE_CALL-VICTIM">
A person or organization who suffers injury, loss, or death as a result of an activity.
<xs:enumeration value="SERVICE_CALL-WITNESS">
A person who has observed an activity.
A person to whom a subject is conditionally released pending further action, such as a parent or guardian.
<xs:enumeration value="SUBJECT_ASSIGNMENT-SUBJECT">
A supervision location and environment into which a subject is placed, generally associated with holding or incarceration.
<xs:enumeration value="SUPERVISED_RELEASE-SUBJECT">
A person subject to supervised release conditions.
An officer supervising a subject.
<xs:enumeration value="WARRANT-COMPLAINANT">
A person that brought a legal complaint against a subject which resulted in a warrant being issued for the specified warrant offense(s).
<xs:enumeration value="WARRANT-INVESTIGATOR">
An enforcement official that provided the narrative or note.
<xs:enumeration value="WARRANT-SUBJECT">
A warrant associated with the subject.