
simpleType PersonRelationshipCodeSimpleType in namespace http://release.niem.gov/niem/codes/fbi_ndex/4.2/


A data type for a code that identifies the relationship between two people.



ACCOMPLICEA person who is, or is suspected to be, party to the same offenses as the Subject or Arrestee.
ACQUAINTANCEA person who is an acquaintance to the other person.
AUTHORITY_FIGUREA person who has or represents authority to the other person.
BABYSITTEEA person that is a child or otherwise not considered a legal responsible adult, who is looked after by the other non family person.
BABYSITTERA non family person who looks after the other person, where the other person is a child or otherwise not considered a legal responsible adult.
BAIL_BONDA person who posts bail or bond for the other person.
BOYFRIENDA male companion with whom the other person has a romantic, intimate, or consensual sexual relationship.
CAREGIVERA person who looks after or takes care of the other person.
CELLMATEA person who shares a cell with the Subject.
CHILD_OF_BOYFRIEND-GIRLFRIENDA child of a person who is a companion to the other person in a romantic, intimate, or sexual relationship.
CIVIL_UNIONA person who has a legally recognized same sex union with the other person, with rights similar or equal to those of marriage.
CLIENTA person using the services of a professional person.
COHABITANTA person using the same residence, tenancy, quarters, or accommodations as the other person.
CONTACT_PERSONA person to be contacted for information about the other person.
COWORKERA person who has the same employer as the other person.
CURRENT_EMPLOYERA person who employs for wages or salary the other person, at the time of the record.
DECLARATION_PERSONA person who declares the Missing Person as missing.
DELIVERY_PERSONA person whose association to the other person was transport, mail delivery, package delivery, food delivery, or similar association.
DOMESTIC_PARTNERA person who shares a residence and is a sexual partner of the other person, especially without a legally recognized marriage or union.
EMERGENCY_CONTACT_PERSONA person to contact in an emergency involving the other person.
EMPLOYEEA person employed for wages or salary by the other person.
EMPLOYERA person who employs for wages or salary the other person.
EX_RELATIONSHIPA person who previously had a romantic, intimate, or consensual sexual relationship with the other person.
EX_SPOUSEA person who previously had a legal marriage or union to the other person.
FAMILY_MEMBERA person who is related biologically or through legal authority to the other person.
FAMILY_MEMBER-ADOPTED_CHILDA person who is legally adopted as the child of the other person
FAMILY_MEMBER-AUNTA person who is related biologically or legally recognized as the aunt of the other person.
FAMILY_MEMBER-CHILDA person who is related biologically or legally recognized as the child of the other person.
FAMILY_MEMBER-COUSINA person who is related biologically or legally recognized as the cousin of the other person.
FAMILY_MEMBER-FOSTER_CHILDA person who is legally recognized as the foster child of the other person.
FAMILY_MEMBER-FOSTER_PARENTA person who is legally recognized as the foster parent of the other person.
FAMILY_MEMBER-GRANDCHILDA person who is related biologically or legally recognized as the grandchild of the other person.
FAMILY_MEMBER-GRANDPARENTA person who is related biologically or legally recognized as the grandparent of the other person.
FAMILY_MEMBER-IN_LAWA person who is related by marriage or other legal recognition as an in-law of the other person.
FAMILY_MEMBER-NEPHEWA person who is related biologically or legally recognized as the nephew of the other person.
FAMILY_MEMBER-NIECEA person who is related biologically or legally recognized as the niece of the other person.
FAMILY_MEMBER-PARENTA person who is related biologically or legally recognized as the parent of the other person.
FAMILY_MEMBER-SIBLINGA person who is related biologically or legally recognized as the sibling of the other person.
FAMILY_MEMBER-SPOUSEA person who is related by marriage or other legal recognition as the spouse of the other person.
FAMILY_MEMBER-SPOUSE_COMMON_LAWA person who is related by legal recognition as the spouse by common law of the other person.
FAMILY_MEMBER-STEPCHILDA child who is related to the other person by marriage to the other parent, without a legally recognized adoption.
FAMILY_MEMBER-STEPPARENTA person who is related to the child by marriage to the other parent, without a legally recognized adoption.
FAMILY_MEMBER-STEPSIBLINGA child who is a related sibling to the other child by marriage between parents, without a legally recognized adoption of both children.
FAMILY_MEMBER-UNCLEA person who is related biologically or legally recognized as the uncle of the other person.
FINANCIAL_SUPPORTERA person who supports the other person financially.
FORMER_EMPLOYEEA person employed for wages or salary by the other person, prior to the record.
FORMER_EMPLOYERA person who employs for wages or salary the other person, prior to the recrd.
FRIENDA person who is a friend of the other person.
GIRLFRIENDA female companion with whom the other person has a romantic, intimate, or consensual sexual relationship.
GUARDIANA person who is recognized as the legal guardian of the other person.
HOMOSEXUAL_RELATIONSHIPA person who has a sexual relationship with the other person of the same gender .
INTIMACY_PARTNERA partner with whom the other person is intimate with.
LAST_SEEN_WITNESSA Witness that last saw the Missing Person.
NEIGHBORA person who is a neighbor to the other person.
NEXT_OF_KINA person who is identified as the closest living relative.
NONFAMILY-OTHERWISE_KNOWNA person who is a nonfamily member that is known to the other person.
PATIENTA person who is under medical care of the other person.
PRIMARY_WORKERA person that works for the other person via a primary connection, such as a contractor.
REFERRAL_WORKERA person that works for the other person via a referral connection, such as a subcontractor.
RELATIONSHIP_UNKNOWNA person that is associated to the other person, but relationship information is generic, unknown, or unavailable.
STRANGERA person who has associated with the other person but that persons identity information is unknown to the other person.
STUDENTA person who is a student, trainee, or tutee of the other person.
TEACHERA person who is a teacher, instructor, trainer, tutor, or educator of the other person.
VICTIMA person harmed, injured, or killed as a result of a crime, accident, or other event or action caused by the other person.
VICTIM_WAS_OFFENDERA person who was the Subject or Arrestee in an activity that was also their own Victim in the same activity.
VISITORA person who visited the other person, especially during incarceration.
VISITOR_LOGA person who appears on a visitor log of the other person, especially during incarceration.
VISITOR_REQUEST_LISTA person who appears on a visitor request list of the other person, especially during incarceration.
WITNESSA person who witnesses the other person when an event take place, where the event is typically a crime, accident, missing person occurrence, or arrest..

XML Schema

<xs:simpleType name="PersonRelationshipCodeSimpleType">
A data type for a code that identifies the relationship between two people.
<xs:enumeration value="ACCOMPLICE">
A person who is, or is suspected to be, party to the same offenses as the Subject or Arrestee.
<xs:enumeration value="ACQUAINTANCE">
A person who is an acquaintance to the other person.
<xs:enumeration value="AUTHORITY_FIGURE">
A person who has or represents authority to the other person.
<xs:enumeration value="BABYSITTEE">
A person that is a child or otherwise not considered a legal responsible adult, who is looked after by the other non family person.
<xs:enumeration value="BABYSITTER">
A non family person who looks after the other person, where the other person is a child or otherwise not considered a legal responsible adult.
<xs:enumeration value="BAIL_BOND">
A person who posts bail or bond for the other person.
<xs:enumeration value="BOYFRIEND">
A male companion with whom the other person has a romantic, intimate, or consensual sexual relationship.
<xs:enumeration value="CAREGIVER">
A person who looks after or takes care of the other person.
<xs:enumeration value="CELLMATE">
A person who shares a cell with the Subject.
<xs:enumeration value="CHILD_OF_BOYFRIEND-GIRLFRIEND">
A child of a person who is a companion to the other person in a romantic, intimate, or sexual relationship.
<xs:enumeration value="CIVIL_UNION">
A person who has a legally recognized same sex union with the other person, with rights similar or equal to those of marriage.
<xs:enumeration value="CLIENT">
A person using the services of a professional person.
<xs:enumeration value="COHABITANT">
A person using the same residence, tenancy, quarters, or accommodations as the other person.
<xs:enumeration value="CONTACT_PERSON">
A person to be contacted for information about the other person.
<xs:enumeration value="COWORKER">
A person who has the same employer as the other person.
<xs:enumeration value="CURRENT_EMPLOYER">
A person who employs for wages or salary the other person, at the time of the record.
<xs:enumeration value="DECLARATION_PERSON">
A person who declares the Missing Person as missing.
<xs:enumeration value="DELIVERY_PERSON">
A person whose association to the other person was transport, mail delivery, package delivery, food delivery, or similar association.
<xs:enumeration value="DOMESTIC_PARTNER">
A person who shares a residence and is a sexual partner of the other person, especially without a legally recognized marriage or union.
<xs:enumeration value="EMERGENCY_CONTACT_PERSON">
A person to contact in an emergency involving the other person.
<xs:enumeration value="EMPLOYEE">
A person employed for wages or salary by the other person.
<xs:enumeration value="EMPLOYER">
A person who employs for wages or salary the other person.
<xs:enumeration value="EX_RELATIONSHIP">
A person who previously had a romantic, intimate, or consensual sexual relationship with the other person.
<xs:enumeration value="EX_SPOUSE">
A person who previously had a legal marriage or union to the other person.
<xs:enumeration value="FAMILY_MEMBER">
A person who is related biologically or through legal authority to the other person.
<xs:enumeration value="FAMILY_MEMBER-ADOPTED_CHILD">
A person who is legally adopted as the child of the other person
<xs:enumeration value="FAMILY_MEMBER-AUNT">
A person who is related biologically or legally recognized as the aunt of the other person.
<xs:enumeration value="FAMILY_MEMBER-CHILD">
A person who is related biologically or legally recognized as the child of the other person.
<xs:enumeration value="FAMILY_MEMBER-COUSIN">
A person who is related biologically or legally recognized as the cousin of the other person.
<xs:enumeration value="FAMILY_MEMBER-FOSTER_CHILD">
A person who is legally recognized as the foster child of the other person.
<xs:enumeration value="FAMILY_MEMBER-FOSTER_PARENT">
A person who is legally recognized as the foster parent of the other person.
<xs:enumeration value="FAMILY_MEMBER-GRANDCHILD">
A person who is related biologically or legally recognized as the grandchild of the other person.
<xs:enumeration value="FAMILY_MEMBER-GRANDPARENT">
A person who is related biologically or legally recognized as the grandparent of the other person.
<xs:enumeration value="FAMILY_MEMBER-IN_LAW">
A person who is related by marriage or other legal recognition as an in-law of the other person.
<xs:enumeration value="FAMILY_MEMBER-NEPHEW">
A person who is related biologically or legally recognized as the nephew of the other person.
<xs:enumeration value="FAMILY_MEMBER-NIECE">
A person who is related biologically or legally recognized as the niece of the other person.
<xs:enumeration value="FAMILY_MEMBER-PARENT">
A person who is related biologically or legally recognized as the parent of the other person.
<xs:enumeration value="FAMILY_MEMBER-SIBLING">
A person who is related biologically or legally recognized as the sibling of the other person.
<xs:enumeration value="FAMILY_MEMBER-SPOUSE">
A person who is related by marriage or other legal recognition as the spouse of the other person.
<xs:enumeration value="FAMILY_MEMBER-SPOUSE_COMMON_LAW">
A person who is related by legal recognition as the spouse by common law of the other person.
<xs:enumeration value="FAMILY_MEMBER-STEPCHILD">
A child who is related to the other person by marriage to the other parent, without a legally recognized adoption.
<xs:enumeration value="FAMILY_MEMBER-STEPPARENT">
A person who is related to the child by marriage to the other parent, without a legally recognized adoption.
<xs:enumeration value="FAMILY_MEMBER-STEPSIBLING">
A child who is a related sibling to the other child by marriage between parents, without a legally recognized adoption of both children.
<xs:enumeration value="FAMILY_MEMBER-UNCLE">
A person who is related biologically or legally recognized as the uncle of the other person.
<xs:enumeration value="FINANCIAL_SUPPORTER">
A person who supports the other person financially.
<xs:enumeration value="FORMER_EMPLOYEE">
A person employed for wages or salary by the other person, prior to the record.
<xs:enumeration value="FORMER_EMPLOYER">
A person who employs for wages or salary the other person, prior to the recrd.
<xs:enumeration value="FRIEND">
A person who is a friend of the other person.
<xs:enumeration value="GIRLFRIEND">
A female companion with whom the other person has a romantic, intimate, or consensual sexual relationship.
<xs:enumeration value="GUARDIAN">
A person who is recognized as the legal guardian of the other person.
<xs:enumeration value="HOMOSEXUAL_RELATIONSHIP">
A person who has a sexual relationship with the other person of the same gender .
<xs:enumeration value="INTIMACY_PARTNER">
A partner with whom the other person is intimate with.
<xs:enumeration value="LAST_SEEN_WITNESS">
A Witness that last saw the Missing Person.
<xs:enumeration value="NEIGHBOR">
A person who is a neighbor to the other person.
<xs:enumeration value="NEXT_OF_KIN">
A person who is identified as the closest living relative.
<xs:enumeration value="NONFAMILY-OTHERWISE_KNOWN">
A person who is a nonfamily member that is known to the other person.
<xs:enumeration value="PATIENT">
A person who is under medical care of the other person.
<xs:enumeration value="PRIMARY_WORKER">
A person that works for the other person via a primary connection, such as a contractor.
<xs:enumeration value="REFERRAL_WORKER">
A person that works for the other person via a referral connection, such as a subcontractor.
<xs:enumeration value="RELATIONSHIP_UNKNOWN">
A person that is associated to the other person, but relationship information is generic, unknown, or unavailable.
<xs:enumeration value="STRANGER">
A person who has associated with the other person but that persons identity information is unknown to the other person.
<xs:enumeration value="STUDENT">
A person who is a student, trainee, or tutee of the other person.
<xs:enumeration value="TEACHER">
A person who is a teacher, instructor, trainer, tutor, or educator of the other person.
<xs:enumeration value="VICTIM">
A person harmed, injured, or killed as a result of a crime, accident, or other event or action caused by the other person.
<xs:enumeration value="VICTIM_WAS_OFFENDER">
A person who was the Subject or Arrestee in an activity that was also their own Victim in the same activity.
<xs:enumeration value="VISITOR">
A person who visited the other person, especially during incarceration.
<xs:enumeration value="VISITOR_LOG">
A person who appears on a visitor log of the other person, especially during incarceration.
<xs:enumeration value="VISITOR_REQUEST_LIST">
A person who appears on a visitor request list of the other person, especially during incarceration.
<xs:enumeration value="WITNESS">
A person who witnesses the other person when an event take place, where the event is typically a crime, accident, missing person occurrence, or arrest..