simpleType WarrantStatusCodeSimpleType in namespace http://release.niem.gov/niem/codes/fbi_ndex/4.2/
A data type for a code that identifies the current disposition of a warrant.
Value | Definition |
ACTIVE | Warrant has been signed by an empowered authority. Also known as Issued. |
INACTIVE | Warrant is no longer being actively pursued by the agency empowered to execute the warrant. |
LODGED | Warrant has been delivered to a correctional facility. |
RECALLED | Warrant has been rescinded by the issuing authority. Also known as Vacated. |
RETURNED | Warrant has been given, put, or sent back to a place or person. |
SERVED | Warrant has been acted upon so as to take a person into custody or seize property. Also known as Executed. |
STAYED | Warrant has been ordered but the issuance has been delayed by the court in order to allow the defendant to appear voluntarily by a specific date. |
UNKNOWN | Unknown |
XML Schema
<xs:simpleType name="WarrantStatusCodeSimpleType">
A data type for a code that identifies the current disposition of a warrant.</xs:documentation>
<xs:restriction base="xs:token">
<xs:enumeration value="ACTIVE">
Warrant has been signed by an empowered authority. Also known as Issued.</xs:documentation>
<xs:enumeration value="INACTIVE">
Warrant is no longer being actively pursued by the agency empowered to execute the warrant.</xs:documentation>
<xs:enumeration value="LODGED">
Warrant has been delivered to a correctional facility.</xs:documentation>
<xs:enumeration value="RECALLED">
Warrant has been rescinded by the issuing authority. Also known as Vacated.</xs:documentation>
<xs:enumeration value="RETURNED">
Warrant has been given, put, or sent back to a place or person.</xs:documentation>
<xs:enumeration value="SERVED">
Warrant has been acted upon so as to take a person into custody or seize property. Also known as Executed.</xs:documentation>
<xs:enumeration value="STAYED">
Warrant has been ordered but the issuance has been delayed by the court in order to allow the defendant to appear voluntarily by a specific date.</xs:documentation>
<xs:enumeration value="UNKNOWN">