
simpleType CaseResponseCodeSimpleType in namespace http://release.niem.gov/niem/codes/cbrncl/5.0/


A data type for a kind of case response code



Case access deniedRequested Case data not authorized for access.
Case not foundRequested Case data not found.
Email file transferAvailable files transmitted to requestor's authorized email address.
File access deniedRequested files not authorized for access.
File includedAvailable files are included in this message.
File not foundRequested files not found.
FTP file transferAvailable files loaded to requestor's authorized FTP site.
No case matchNo case found that matches request.
No file matchNo file found that matches request.
Some files denied accessSome requested files not authorized for access.
Some files not foundSome requested files not found.

XML Schema

<xs:simpleType name="CaseResponseCodeSimpleType">
A data type for a kind of case response code
<xs:enumeration value="Case access denied">
Requested Case data not authorized for access.
<xs:enumeration value="Case not found">
Requested Case data not found.
<xs:enumeration value="Email file transfer">
Available files transmitted to requestor's authorized email address.
<xs:enumeration value="File access denied">
Requested files not authorized for access.
<xs:enumeration value="File included">
Available files are included in this message.
<xs:enumeration value="File not found">
Requested files not found.
<xs:enumeration value="FTP file transfer">
Available files loaded to requestor's authorized FTP site.
<xs:enumeration value="No case match">
No case found that matches request.
<xs:enumeration value="No file match">
No file found that matches request.
<xs:enumeration value="Some files denied access">
Some requested files not authorized for access.
<xs:enumeration value="Some files not found">
Some requested files not found.