
simpleType EncounterDeviceCategoryLevelCodeSimpleType in namespace http://release.niem.gov/niem/codes/cbrncl/5.0/


A data type that defines the kind of encounter device category level.



componentThe configuration level is a component of a device.
deviceThe configuration level is a device, which may be composed of components, and may be part of a system.
systemThe configuration level is a system, which may be composed of devices and systems.

XML Schema

<xs:simpleType name="EncounterDeviceCategoryLevelCodeSimpleType">
A data type that defines the kind of encounter device category level.
<xs:enumeration value="component">
The configuration level is a component of a device.
<xs:enumeration value="device">
The configuration level is a device, which may be composed of components, and may be part of a system.
<xs:enumeration value="system">
The configuration level is a system, which may be composed of devices and systems.