
simpleType ReachbackRequestCodeSimpleType in namespace http://release.niem.gov/niem/codes/cbrncl/5.0/


A data type that defines the various code values for Reachback Request



ASPResults from ASP scan appear abnormal or suspicious, therefore reachback assistance is requested.
GammaAlarmAn unresolved gamma alarm has occurred and reachback assistance is requested.
ImageAnalysisInitial results of image analysis appear abnormal or suspicious, therefore reachback assistance is requested.
NeutronAlarmAn unresolved neutron alarm has occurred and reachback assistance is requested.
RIIDResults from RIID scan appear abnormal or suspicious, therefore reachback assistance is requested.
SecondaryAn item of interest has been directed to secondary inspection, and reachback assistance is requested.
SuspiciousCargoA cargo item has been identified as suspicious, therefore reachback assistance is requested.

XML Schema

<xs:simpleType name="ReachbackRequestCodeSimpleType">
A data type that defines the various code values for Reachback Request
<xs:enumeration value="ASP">
Results from ASP scan appear abnormal or suspicious, therefore reachback assistance is requested.
<xs:enumeration value="GammaAlarm">
An unresolved gamma alarm has occurred and reachback assistance is requested.
<xs:enumeration value="ImageAnalysis">
Initial results of image analysis appear abnormal or suspicious, therefore reachback assistance is requested.
<xs:enumeration value="NeutronAlarm">
An unresolved neutron alarm has occurred and reachback assistance is requested.
<xs:enumeration value="RIID">
Results from RIID scan appear abnormal or suspicious, therefore reachback assistance is requested.
<xs:enumeration value="Secondary">
An item of interest has been directed to secondary inspection, and reachback assistance is requested.
<xs:enumeration value="SuspiciousCargo">
A cargo item has been identified as suspicious, therefore reachback assistance is requested.