
simpleType ScanQualityCodeSimpleType in namespace http://release.niem.gov/niem/codes/cbrncl/5.0/


A data type for the quality of the data collected by an encounter device in performing a scan of an item of interest, as perceived by the operator.



BadScanThe data quality is bad is not useful for determining the presence or absence of threat materials.
DegradedScanThe data quality is degraded but may still be useful.
GoodScanThe data quality is good.

XML Schema

<xs:simpleType name="ScanQualityCodeSimpleType">
A data type for the quality of the data collected by an encounter device in performing a scan of an item of interest, as perceived by the operator.
<xs:enumeration value="BadScan">
The data quality is bad is not useful for determining the presence or absence of threat materials.
<xs:enumeration value="DegradedScan">
The data quality is degraded but may still be useful.
<xs:enumeration value="GoodScan">
The data quality is good.