
element IncidentProbabilityText in namespace http://release.niem.gov/niem/domains/emergencyManagement/5.0/


A level of probability (e.g. very unlikely, unlikely, likely, highly likely, almost certain) that the event will occur or re-occur. An event that is very likely (almost certain) is one that will occur (or re-occur) in most circumstances when the activity is undertaken. An event that is very unlikely (rare) may happen only in exceptional circumstances when the activity is undertaken.


XML Schema

A level of probability (e.g. very unlikely, unlikely, likely, highly likely, almost certain) that the event will occur or re-occur. An event that is very likely (almost certain) is one that will occur (or re-occur) in most circumstances when the activity is undertaken. An event that is very unlikely (rare) may happen only in exceptional circumstances when the activity is undertaken.