
simpleType InquiryCategoryCodeSimpleType in namespace http://release.niem.gov/niem/domains/emergencyManagement/5.0/


A data type for the code list of resource inquiry kind



Deployment HistorySearch resources by their deployment history
GeneralSearch resource names and descriptions with a search string
Incident DescriptionSearch resources by a description of the incident
MetricsSearch resources by resource metrics
Mutual AidSearch resources by a mutual aid reference
Resource Class NameSearch resources by resource class name match
Resource NameSearch resources by resource name match

XML Schema

<xs:simpleType name="InquiryCategoryCodeSimpleType">
A data type for the code list of resource inquiry kind
<xs:enumeration value="Deployment History">
Search resources by their deployment history
<xs:enumeration value="General">
Search resource names and descriptions with a search string
<xs:enumeration value="Incident Description">
Search resources by a description of the incident
<xs:enumeration value="Metrics">
Search resources by resource metrics
<xs:enumeration value="Mutual Aid">
Search resources by a mutual aid reference
<xs:enumeration value="Resource Class Name">
Search resources by resource class name match
<xs:enumeration value="Resource Name">
Search resources by resource name match