
element RumorSourceReliabilityText in namespace http://release.niem.gov/niem/domains/emergencyManagement/5.0/


A level of reliability of the source of information. For example, a source that has no doubt of authenticity, trustworthiness, or competency and has a history of providing completely accurate information may be labeled as "reliable" whereas a source that lacks these attributes and has a history of invalid information may be reported as "unreliable". Sources that are doubted for being authentic, trustworthy, or competent but have provided valid information in the past may be labeled as "fairly reliable".


XML Schema

A level of reliability of the source of information. For example, a source that has no doubt of authenticity, trustworthiness, or competency and has a history of providing completely accurate information may be labeled as "reliable" whereas a source that lacks these attributes and has a history of invalid information may be reported as "unreliable". Sources that are doubted for being authentic, trustworthy, or competent but have provided valid information in the past may be labeled as "fairly reliable".