
simpleType ProspectiveVictimCategoryCodeSimpleType in namespace http://release.niem.gov/niem/domains/humanServices/5.0/


A data type for a kind of identification of a prospective or potential victim of human trafficking.



CallCall to National or local hotline seeking help for victim
Direct ContactDirect contact by service provider, but without status
Previously ServedPreviously served for Human Trafficking
Victim LocationVictim located in area suspected for human trafficking

XML Schema

<xs:simpleType name="ProspectiveVictimCategoryCodeSimpleType">
A data type for a kind of identification of a prospective or potential victim of human trafficking.
<xs:enumeration value="Call">
Call to National or local hotline seeking help for victim
<xs:enumeration value="Direct Contact">
Direct contact by service provider, but without status
<xs:enumeration value="Previously Served">
Previously served for Human Trafficking
<xs:enumeration value="Victim Location">
Victim located in area suspected for human trafficking