
simpleType DutyTaxFeeCategoryCodeSimpleType in namespace


A data type for duty tax fee categories



AAAPetroleum tax
AABProvisional countervailing duty cash
AACProvisional countervailing duty bond
AADTobacco tax
AAEEnergy fee
AAFCoffee tax
AAGHarmonised sales tax, Canadian
AAHQuebec sales tax
AAICanadian provincial sales tax
AAJTax on replacement part
ADDAnti-dumping duty
BOLStamp duty (Imposta di Bollo)
CAPAgricultural levy
CARCar tax
COCPaper consortium tax (Italy)
CSTCommodity specific tax
CUDCustoms duty
CVDCountervailing duty
ENVEnvironmental tax
EXCExcise duty
EXPAgricultural export rebate
FETFederal excise tax
GCNGeneral construction tax
GSTGoods and services tax
ILLIlluminants tax
IMPImport tax
INDIndividual tax
LACBusiness license fee
LCNLocal construction tax
LDPLight dues payable
LOCLocal sales tax
LSTLust tax
MCAMonetary compensatory amount
MCDMiscellaneous cash deposit
OTHOther taxes
PDBProvisional duty bond
PDCProvisional duty cash
PRFPreference duty
SCNSpecial construction tax
SSSShifted social securities
STTState/provincial sales tax
SUPSuspended duty
SWTShifted wage tax
TACAlcohol mark tax
TOXTurnover tax
TTATonnage taxes
VADValuation deposit
VATValue added tax

XML Schema

<xs:simpleType name="DutyTaxFeeCategoryCodeSimpleType">
A data type for duty tax fee categories
<xs:enumeration value="AAA">
Petroleum tax
<xs:enumeration value="AAB">
Provisional countervailing duty cash
<xs:enumeration value="AAC">
Provisional countervailing duty bond
<xs:enumeration value="AAD">
Tobacco tax
<xs:enumeration value="AAE">
Energy fee
<xs:enumeration value="AAF">
Coffee tax
<xs:enumeration value="AAG">
Harmonised sales tax, Canadian
<xs:enumeration value="AAH">
Quebec sales tax
<xs:enumeration value="AAI">
Canadian provincial sales tax
<xs:enumeration value="AAJ">
Tax on replacement part
<xs:enumeration value="ADD">
Anti-dumping duty
<xs:enumeration value="BOL">
Stamp duty (Imposta di Bollo)
<xs:enumeration value="CAP">
Agricultural levy
<xs:enumeration value="CAR">
Car tax
<xs:enumeration value="COC">
Paper consortium tax (Italy)
<xs:enumeration value="CST">
Commodity specific tax
<xs:enumeration value="CUD">
Customs duty
<xs:enumeration value="CVD">
Countervailing duty
<xs:enumeration value="ENV">
Environmental tax
<xs:enumeration value="EXC">
Excise duty
<xs:enumeration value="EXP">
Agricultural export rebate
<xs:enumeration value="FET">
Federal excise tax
<xs:enumeration value="FRE">
<xs:enumeration value="GCN">
General construction tax
<xs:enumeration value="GST">
Goods and services tax
<xs:enumeration value="ILL">
Illuminants tax
<xs:enumeration value="IMP">
Import tax
<xs:enumeration value="IND">
Individual tax
<xs:enumeration value="LAC">
Business license fee
<xs:enumeration value="LCN">
Local construction tax
<xs:enumeration value="LDP">
Light dues payable
<xs:enumeration value="LOC">
Local sales tax
<xs:enumeration value="LST">
Lust tax
<xs:enumeration value="MCA">
Monetary compensatory amount
<xs:enumeration value="MCD">
Miscellaneous cash deposit
<xs:enumeration value="OTH">
Other taxes
<xs:enumeration value="PDB">
Provisional duty bond
<xs:enumeration value="PDC">
Provisional duty cash
<xs:enumeration value="PRF">
Preference duty
<xs:enumeration value="SCN">
Special construction tax
<xs:enumeration value="SSS">
Shifted social securities
<xs:enumeration value="STT">
State/provincial sales tax
<xs:enumeration value="SUP">
Suspended duty
<xs:enumeration value="SWT">
Shifted wage tax
<xs:enumeration value="TAC">
Alcohol mark tax
<xs:enumeration value="TOT">
<xs:enumeration value="TOX">
Turnover tax
<xs:enumeration value="TTA">
Tonnage taxes
<xs:enumeration value="VAD">
Valuation deposit
<xs:enumeration value="VAT">
Value added tax