State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial Charter

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Charter Date

  • 04/19/2021
  • NIEM Business Architecture Committee (NBAC)


  • U.S. and International State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial information sharing partners


  • Mike Phillips, SLG Innovation
  • Paul Wormeli, Wormeli Consulting

Project Purpose

  • To advance information sharing at the state, local, and tribal level to help protect, support, and respond to community needs to improve the quality of life for all

Project Description

  • The NBAC State, Local and Tribal Tiger Team was created to improve understanding of the NIEM value proposition, support adoption, and develop advocacy champions

Scope Statement

  • Information sharing collaboration, planning, development, and demonstration activities that are prioritized and can be accomplished by the SLTT membership

Goals and Objectives

  1. Obtain Executive-level SLTT leader advocacy champions
  2. Obtain Program Manager-level SLTT leader advocacy champions
  3. Obtain State CIOs/CDOs as advocacy champions
  4. Introduce the NIEM Value Proposition at State, Local, Tribal and Territorial association symposiums, conferences and seminars
  5. Include conference participation as part of the domain capability framework
  6. Add SLTT representation to the Speakers Bureau and provide materials for presenters


  1. Support materials for Tiger Team and others to use in presenting the NIEM framework
  2. Tiger Team Charter
  3. Tiger Team Web Page on to host project artifacts
  4. Mentoring Program (New to NIEM and Grant Assistance)
  5. Monthly NBAC SLTT Updates



  1. Two Co-Chairs to lead Tiger Team activities and delegate responsibilities


  1. At least one representative from every NIEM Domain 2.At least one representative from every NIEM Community of Interest

Project Approach

  • Collaboration with SLTT members to develop an engagement process to increase association support
    • Host Tiger Team Meetings
    • Work with NBAC and the NIEM Management Office to coordinate outreach to SLTT organizations and communities
    • Review and provide advice on updating existing NIEM Marketing Materials
      • Videos, Slides, Fact Sheets, Success Stories
    • Develop Communications and Marketing Support
      • Develop materials for use in presenting NIEM
      • Create interactive channels to connect SLTT stakeholders to NIEM
      • Hold Educational/Informational Webinars
    • Follow up with interested parties and set up one on one meetings
      • Anyone who has emailed with questions
      • Anyone who expresses interest in learning more about NIEM
  • Leverage National, State, Local, Tribal & Territorial association meetings, sessions, conferences, and seminars, to disseminate NIEM information
    • Identify appropriate events to attend/participate/speak
    • Identify Speaker (if applicable)
    • Develop Marketing Materials
      • Presentation Slides (if applicable)
      • Leave Behinds
        • Fact Sheet
        • Brochure
      • Marketing Videos