Tuesday, November 2, 2021
The NIEM Biometrics Domain (NBD) is pleased to announce an update to the NBD Executive Committee (NBDEC). We warmly welcome Mr. Ryan Triplett, Defense Biometrics & Forensics Agency (DBFA), who is replacing Mr. Will Graves, Department of Defense (DoD) PM Biometrics, as a Co-Chair. Mr. John Boyd, Assistant Director, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Office of Biometric Identity Management (OBIM) remains the Chair of the NIEM Biometrics Domain. Ms. Jennifer Stathakis, Department of Justice (DOJ) Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) remains a Co-Chair, and Ms. Diane Stephens, National Institute of Standards (NIST) the Ombudsman.
Mr. Triplett serves as the Branch Chief for DFBA and performs the standardization duties of the DoD Executive Agent for Defense Forensics and Biometrics Enterprises. He is well-aligned as the NBD Co-Chair and also serves as the primary DoD voting member to the INCITS M1 Biometric Standards Development Organization. He is the custodian for the NATO STANAG 4715 Biometric Data Interchange and the Editor of the DoD Electronic Biometric Transmission Specification (EBTS). He also performs the duties of Chair to the DoD Forensic and Biometric Standards Working Group and Chair of the DoD and Intelligence Community (IC) Joint Enterprise Standards Committee’s Forensic and Biometric Technical Working Group.