OBIM supported the NIEM Biometrics Domain by developing biometrics domain related documents to benefit Biometrics community. The below items are available for download.
NIEM Document | Description |
Governance Process Plan | The plan documents the governance processes related to release management and publication including a planned schedule, a unified strategy for Domain development and maintenance, as well an establishment of roles and responsibilities of the COI members as defined in the NIEM High Level Version Architecture (HLVA). |
How-To Guide for Creating NIEM Biometric Exchanges | This details the process for creating NIEM exchanges necessary for Biometrics Domain development and maintenance. It also identifies a variety of support processes including IEPD development that are relevant to successful interoperability of NIEM exchanges. |
Standards Development Plan | The plan contains information pertaining to the NIEM structure and future architecture. The plan also addresses how to ensure that the development of NIEM Domain content minimally disrupts OBIM architecture and maximizes the efficiency and effectiveness of OBIM plans and execution. |
Enterprise Level Data Standards Execution | The plan covers the need, development, adoption, implementation, and maintenance of data standards required for the efficient interoperability between disparate systems across the federal government. |
Domain Management Plan | The plan describes the approach to support the day-to-day management and operations of the Biometrics Domain and details of support necessary to provide data standards services for Biometric Domain management and a baseline of the biometrics domain. |